Drive Customers with Social and Local Interaction

Drive Customers with Social and Local Interaction

It’s a mobile world and we’re living in it.


Have you ever gone to dinner and had trouble getting your spouse, kids, or friends to put down their phones? With the advent of mobile devices, audience attentions have shifted. Everyone is too busy for you and their biggest commodity is their time.


While you’re trying to get them to put down their phones, you’re missing sight of one valuable foresight for marketers. Your audience is already giving you their attention, you’re just not performing. With the average person spending almost three hours per day consuming mobile media, marketers can harness the benefits of technology and make the most of these mobile moments.


Social media is a huge opportunity for your business. It’s cost efficient, easy and effective. By integrating your business into the community, you build relationships with your local consumers. Making sure your company’s profile is fully filled out and that you are actively engaging in conversations with your customers allows consumers to easily navigate to your contact pages and see incentives. Using Facebook to create advertisements for your page will generate leads for your sales floor in a way that seems less invasive to the mobile consumer.


Active social platforms will not only increase the chances for your company to be ranked higher in search results, but will also give your business a chance to interact with consumers at the bottom of the purchasing funnel. By creating social media accounts such as Facebook, and Google+ you put your business right where consumers are.


Contact us for more information on how you can use Facebook and Google AdWords to drive sales to your dealership’s floor.


Written by:

Lindsay Rinner

Marketing Associate