10 Clean Car Tips!

10 Clean Car Tips!

Got kids? Are YOU just super dirty?

We can help!

Here are 10 actually effective hacks to getting AND KEEPING your car clean!

Vacuum up dust as you cleans so that it doesn’t immediately land somewhere else.Vacuum up the dust as you brush it off, so it doesn't immediately settle somewhere else in the car.

Use a Magic Eraser to scrub gross sticky things off of vinyl and leather.


For textured vinyl, use soapy warm water and an old toothbrush!Image result for textured vinyl toothbrush

Put paper or silicone muffin/cupcake wrappers in your cup holders for easy clean up!Image result for muffin tins car cup holder

Align your car mats along the wall of your washing machine with Oxyclean and detergent added to the wash for mats that look new!Image result for car mats washing machine


Add a couple of wax cubes to a mason jar and screw holes through the top for a summer air freshener on a hot day!Image result for wax cubes mason jar car

Use a water squeegee to remove pet hair from cloth seats!Banish animal hair from your upholstery with a spray bottle of water and a squeegee.

Wrap laundry scent booster beads with dryer sheets and stick them under your seats!Image result for laundry scent booster bags car

Use two sponges while cleaning. One for the painted parts of your car, and one for everything else! That way debris like sand and dirt won’t scratch your car!Image result for wax on wax off sponges

Line a cereal container with a grocery bag for a sturdy garbage can!

Image result for 1 dollar car trashcan cereal



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